of the Housing and Municipal Reform Support Centre
Implications of the IQ energy program on changing the market of energy efficient materials in Ukraine

In September 2020, the IQ energy Program team completed its tasks and the IQ energy Program completed its work.

The IQ energy program was organized by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and was a part of its global Green Economy Financing Facilities

During the period of programme implementation period since April 2016, more than 43,000 Ukrainian families have participated in the IQ energy programme, renovated their homes with high-quality energy-efficient materials that meet Ukrainian construction norms, programme criteria and international standards.

As a result of the Programme Ukrainian families have invested about UAH 1.5 billion in materials and equipment aimed at improving the energy efficiency of their own houses and apartments.

Compensation for program participants who have fulfilled all the terms and conditions of the program, in the amount of EUR 15 million, was provided by the E5P fund, to which the European Union has made the largest contribution.

Funding for technical assistance was provided the government of Sweden and the E5P in equal parts. The projects participating in the program achieved energy savings of 72,596 MWh per year and reduction of CO2 emissions by 27,732 tons per year.

Among the main technologies supported by the program were the following:

1) Energy efficient windows
2) Insulation of facades, roof and floor
3) Heating systems (with automatic adjustment)
4) Gas and solid fuel boilers
5) Heat pumps
6) Solar collectors
7) Heat meters
8) Air recuperators
9) Entrance doors

The activities of the IQ energy Program have significantly influenced the development of the market of energy efficient technologies in Ukraine. Even such common products as energy-efficient windows have received a new status and content due to the introduction of the principle of quality verification of installed window structures, requirements for documentation of windows and compliance with the technology of window installation. Manufacturers and installers have supported the requirements of the IQ energy Program for product quality control and installation quality, as they have been able to market quality goods at a fair price and compete with suppliers of relevant quality products in appropriate and understandable categories.

The establishment of appropriate technical criteria for materials and equipment under the Program has ensured not only the guaranteed quality of materials and equipment but also the expected savings in energy costs through the use of such products.

The IQ energy Program made the greatest impact on the heat pump market. According to the study, in 2019 in Ukraine there were 1154 heat pumps of appropriate capacity installed, 390 out of them (34%) were installed under the IQ energy program.

Below are the main conclusions of the marketing study conducted by Industrial Marketing Agency LLC for the IQ energy Program in 2020 on the change in the market of EE materials and equipment for some groups of energy efficient materials and equipment sales results in 2014 compared to 2019:

1. Ukrainian Insulation Market.

The general crisis tendencies resulted in decreasing of thermal insulation materials market by 1.6% (2019 vs 2014). However, new knowledge and expertise as well requirements in construction sphere led to changes in materials representation: stone wool segment share increased by 5.6%, and XPS segment added 3%. Private housing segment share has decreased a bit (51.3% in 2019 compared to 53.5% in 2014) in favor of a commercial one.

2. Ukrainian Façade Insulation Market.

The Stucco façade system (so-called 'wet façade) in 2019 increased by 12.4% compared to 2014. EPS keeps on dominating but the share of stone wool has already reached 20.9%. EPS dominates mainly in private housing, whereas stone wool is Nr 1 in a commercial buildings. There is a strong tendency for increase of the average thickness of layer of thermal insulation materials (all types) year-to-year.

3. Ukrainian Windows Market.

The windows segment transforms extremely fast: the share of energy-saving windows in five years grew from 47% towards 77%. In general, the market of windows increased by 5.3%. The private housing dominates with a share of over 90%.

4. Ukrainian Domestic Boilers Market.

Ukrainian Domestic Boilers Market has decreased in pieces (-27%) but increased in UAH. The only growing segment is electric boilers which reached 12% of the market share. Gas boilers keep on dominating with 76% share. The most requested boilers are of 21-40 kW heat power.

5. Ukrainian Domestic Solar Thermal Collectors Market.

Compared to 2014 the market of solar Thermal Collectors in Ukraine increased by 29% in 2019. However, the structure of import has changed dramatically: in 2014, China was a leading supplier with a market share of 42%, but in 2019 the suppliers from EU controlled over 90% of the market indicating the growing demand for high quality equipment.

6. Ukrainian Domestic Heat Pumps Market.

Compared to 2014 the market of heat pumps in Ukraine increased by 324% in 2019. Air-water type pumps dominated with a share of 82%. The crisis of 2014-2016 followed by construction market stagnation in 2019 slowed down growing usage of energy efficient materials and technologies. However, there is a strong tendency for growing expertise, requirements and demand of more energy efficient solutions in construction (thicker insulation materials, more efficient equipment, etc.)

Links to research materials: Ukraine Energy Efficiency Materials Market, Ukraine2020
"Mechanism for supporting energy efficiency improvements in public buildings" is completed
Ladies and Gentlemen!

The International NGO Housing and Municipal Reform Support Centre (NGO HMRSC), is pleased to announce the completion of the implementation project «Mechanism for supporting energy efficiency improvements in public buildings».

We invite you to read in more details about project's results and comments of the participants via link.

"Thank to all the professionals involved in the implementation of the "Mechanism for supporting energy efficiency improvements in public buildings"! We wish to implement energy efficiency measures at the relevant facilities of municipal institutions and invite you to continue cooperation in future projects."

Vladimir Shimkin, the President of HMRSC
Training program "Quality control in the construction of energy efficient buildings"
In the framework of the grant agreement of the project "Energy efficiency Reforms in Ukraine", implemented by GIZ on behalf of the Government of Germany, during March - June 2020, the HMRSC team and involved experts together with the German company ING ARCH Part mbB actively participated in developing a training programme for students of Ukrainian universities called "Quality Control in the construction of energy efficient buildings."

The purpose of the program course is to train Ukrainian specialists who:

  • Have knowledge of the regulatory framework of the EU and Ukraininan law for quality control of construction of energy efficient buildings
  • Are familiar with the modern energy efficiency requirements
  • Know the main types of energy efficient buildings, features of design solutions and applications of building materials and products in the design and construction of energy efficient buildings
  • Know the sequence and features of technical supervision
  • Possess technical and organizational methods of quality control
The course consists of 5 modules. They include 10 lectures on various topics related to the organization of energy efficient construction, starting from the regulatory framework and ending with methods of quality control of constructions in details. For each lecture a detailed synopsis for the student, materials for the teacher, a presentation for the lecture with key theses and a list of control questions were created. For high-quality mastering of the material by students we have developed 4 practical classes with 60 tasks.

Of interest:
At the end of the project from the GIZ Ukraine we were informed that they had been approached by one of the universities in Kharkiv to implement this course in one of their curricula.

The course is taught on the online learning platform www.Energy-Efficiency.Training under the title "Construction Supervisor".

We thank the team of professionals with whom we had the opportunity to work on this course: Mario Bodem from Ing plus Arch, Serhii Zinchenko, Tetyana Kashchenko and other specialists who were involved in working process.
News about «Mechanism for Support of Energy Efficiency Measures for Public Buildings»!
As of the beginning of June 2020, we would like to inform you that:

1. Energy audit of three buildings of "City Clinical Hospital №1" of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council was performed.
2. Energy audit of six buildings of Vuhledar City Council was performed.
3. Energy audit of twelve buildings of Kolomyia City Council was performed.
4. Energy audit of seven buildings of the Konstantinovka City Council have been performed: four kindergartens, two educational institutions and the Palace of Culture and Leisure.

As these buildings have a low level of energy efficiency, energy auditors provided recommendations for improving energy efficiency, including:

⚡️ Adjustment of window fittings and replacement of seals
⚡️ Insulation of external walls and plinth of the building
⚡️ Replacement of translucent structures
⚡️ Replacement of external doors
⚡️ Insulation of roof structures
⚡️ Modernization of the ventilation system
⚡️ Installation of an individual heating point
⚡️ Hydraulic balancing of heating system risers
⚡️ Modernization of the lighting system
⚡️ Implementation of a comprehensive reconstruction of the heating system
⚡️ Installation of solar collectors for the needs of hot water etc.

Each of the recommendations provides a calculation of investments, annual expenditures, net savings and economic life of the results of these projects.
News about «Mechanism for Support of Energy Efficiency Measures for Public Buildings»!
At the end of the competition, we had 242 proposals and 22 winners.

We would like to inform you that because of successful tenders for the execution of works in March - April among energy auditors, we were able to save money.

As a result, we have the opportunity to finance energy efficiency projects in 30 communities at all!

Currently, the list of co-funded projects in different communities is here:

1. Malin - Energy audits, energy certificates (15 sites, 15 buildings)
2. Kolomyia - Energy audits, energy certificates (6 sites, 13 buildings)
3. Iv.-Frankivsk (Hospital) - Energy audits, energy certificates (1 object, 3 buildings)
4. Rivne (Hospital) - Energy audits, energy certificates (1 object, 7 buildings)
5. Tetiiv (Including ambulance) - Energy audits, energy certificates (4 objects, 4 buildings), energy audit of the heating system
6. Lanivtsi - Energy audits, energy certificates (10 objects, 10 buildings)
7. Dunaivtsi - Energy audits, energy certificates (14 objects, 14 buildings)
8. Chuguev - Energy audits, energy certificates (6 objects, 10 buildings), Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan
9. Slavyansk - Energy audits, energy certificates (6 objects, 7 buildings), Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan
10. Benevolence - Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan
11. Chigirin - Energy audits, energy certificates (9 objects, 12 buildings)
12. Kostiantynivka - Energy audits, energy certificates (7 objects, 7 buildings) Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan
13. Mirgorod - Project documentation (with energy audit and energy certificate
14. Trostyanets - Comprehensive energy inspection
15. Tokmak - Project documentation (with energy audit and energy certificate)
16. Sambir - Project documentation(with energy audit and energy certificate) + Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan
17. Baranivka - Project documentation (with energy audit and energy certificate), Energy audits, energy certificates, (3 objects, 3 buildings)
18. Borislav - Project documentation (with energy audit and energy certificate)
19. Mukachevo (Hospital) - Energy Monitoring and Training System + Energy Audits, Energy Certificates (9 objects, 9 buildings)
20. Carbon - Energy audits, energy certificates (6 objects, 6 buildings) + Sustainable Energy Development and Climate Action Plan
21. Klesiv - Energy audits, energy certificates (4 objects, 5 buildings)
22. Zbarazh - Energy audits, energy certificates (3 objects, 5 buildings)
23. Globino - Energy audits, energy certificates (7 objects, 7 buildings)
24. Smolino - Energy audits, energy certificates (6 objects, 10 buildings)
25. Pokrovsk - Energy audits, energy certificates (13 objects, 13 buildings)
26. Ovruch - Energy audits, energy certificates (7 objects, 16 buildings)
27. Kalush - Energy audits, energy certificates (8 objects, 8 buildings)
28. Horishni plavni - Energy audits, energy certificates (6 objects, 13 buildings)
29. Pereyaslav - Energy audits, energy certificates (7 objects, 7 buildings)
30. Khmilnyk - Energy audits, energy certificates (8 objects, 8 buildings)

Grant funding of €5,000 to €10,000 in hryvnia equivalent is provided under a grant agreement concluded between Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the Housing and Municipal Reform Support Centre under the Energy Efficiency II project » to implement the Mechanism for Support of Energy Efficiency Measures for Public Buildings (Schools, Hospitals, Kindergartens, etc.).

The expected period of grant support: January - June 2020

The contest is currently completed.

We invite you to follow the results of the implementation of grants in the field of energy efficiency on the competition page
Housing and Municipal Reform Support Centre works!
Our staff continues to work on all projects to be implemented remotely

We invite those interested people to follow the HMRSC publications on Facebook, as tenders for energy auditors will soon appear in the implementation of the Mechanism for Support of Energy Efficiency Measures for Public Buildings.
Facebook-achievement of HMRSC!
Thank you for following the activities of the Center for Housing and Municipal Reform on Facebook❗️

Today we have a small anniversary - over 1000 subscribers, welcome⚡️
Thanks to all participants!
The HMRSC team thanks all the participants in the competition for grants in the field of energy efficiency!

We received 242 applications with a total project financing of 59 429 435 UAH, which is 2 184 103 euros and which require 1 491 989 euro grant funding. Most of the applications received are fully compliant and can be recommended for financial support.

At the same time, the amount of available funding from the HMRSC with the support of GIZ Ukraine is 150,000 euros in hryvnia.

The selection committee had a difficult task - to choose the best project applications. We are currently co-financing about 1 project out of 10, so we recommend GIZ Ukraine to consider allocating additional funding to grant programs in the field of energy efficiency and energy management.

We wish the successful realization of the projects to the winners and successes to all participants!
Results of the competition!
International NGO Housing and Municipal Reform Support Centre (HMRSC), in accordance with a grant agreement between Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and under the project «Energy Efficiency in the Communities II» for the implementation of the «Mechanism for Support of Energy Efficiency Measures for Public Buildings», finished evaluation of the applications from the cities and the hospitals.

As a result of the evaluation, 22 winners were selected from 242 applicants. So the winners are:

1. Novograd-Volyn united territorial community
2. Municipal non-profit enterprise «Central City Hospital» of Rivne City Council.
3. «Slavutsk Center of Primary Health Care», Slavutsk City Regional Hospital
4. Trostyanets united territorial community
5. Slavyansk
6. Chuguev
7. Tokmak
8. Konstantinovka
9. Municipal non-profit enterprise «Center of primary health care of Mukachevo city united territorial community» (Trade name - Medical center "Family")
10. Municipal Clinical Hospital # 1, Ivano-Frankivsk City Council
11. Tetiiv united territorial community
12. Malyn
13. Dunaivtsi
14. Kolomyia's united territorial community
15. Lanovets' united territorial community
16. Chyhyryn's united territorial community
17. Sambir
18. Myrhorod
19. Pokrovsk's united territorial community
20. Baraniv's united territorial community
21. Dobropillya
22. Borislav

Thank you to the participants for participating in the competition!

See the more detailed statistics here.

Statistics about the Mechanism!
In the framework of the Project "Mechanism for supporting energy efficiency improvements in public buildings", during December 2019 to January 10, 2020, the HMRSC received applications from cities and towns with a population of up to 200,000 residents and municipal hospitals for a grant in the field of energy efficiency.

We have got 242 applications. According to the rules of participation in the grant, the deadline for consideration of applications and determination of winners is planned by 31.01.2020.

We invite applicants and all interested parties to find out the statistics on the received applications by the link in the "Blog" column of the HMRSC Ukrainian version of the website.
HMRSC is grateful to the EBRD
Team of the international NGO Housing and Municipal Reform Support Centre is grateful to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for its support of systematic reforms in Ukraine.

Over € 1.1 billion has been invested in 51 projects in Ukraine during 2019.

As part of the IQ energy program, we work closely with the EBRD! Thanks to this program, improvements are made in the field of energy efficiency in the Ukrainian housing sector in accordance with European standards.

Also, from 2014 to 2017, the EBRD Project - Ukraine: Residential Energy Efficiency Policy Dialogue was successfully implemented to improve energy efficiency characteristics of residential buildings through implementation of energy efficiency measures with the political, technical and financial support of the Government of Ukraine and IFI's.

See here the EBRD's results in Ukraine during 2019.
"Guide for the mayor"
The "U-LEAD with Europe" program has produced a high-quality collection of twelve thematic sections on key issues facing the mayors - "Guide for the mayor".

Topics are: Strategic Management, Local Government Finance, Education, Health, Public Order and more.

We invite you to download it from the link and look into it as a guide that supports the towns on the road to success!
Current community development grants!
While you are waiting for the results of the HMRSC energy efficiency grant, we invite you to explore the current community development grants!

The list was prepared by the Regional Development Department of Cherkasy Regional State Administration, thank them!

Download through the link⚡️
News about the Mechanism for Support of Energy Efficiency Measures for Public Buildings ❗️
At 5:00 pm the time for accepting applications for the project was ended.

Tomorrow, we will complete their registration for the competition and during the next week we will announce the final number of applications from cities, towns and hospitals that the grant committee will evaluate and analyze according to the criteria set by the competition rules.

We would like to remind that all grants will be awarded on a competitive basis, the scheduled deadline for considering applications and determining the winners is 31.01.2020.

We wish everyone the best of luck⚡️
News from IQ energy
The IQ energy team congratulates you on Happy New Year and announces that we have submitted 2019's reports and we can state that our plans have been fulfilled:

- reduction of CO2 emissions
- total energy savings
- increasing the volume of loan portfolios for energy-efficient housing modernization in all partner banks.

We thank the staff and clients of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Ukrsibbank, OTP Bank, Credit Agricole Bank, employees of the companies and producers of energy efficient products. More than 40 000 families upgraded their housing qualitatively in accordance with European standards and Ukrainian building codes and received compensation from the E5P Fund (the largest contribution was from the EU), for which they have a special thanks. Since the program's launch date, more than €13 million in grants have been given to Ukrainian families.

In Ukraine, IQ energy was organized by the EBRD (the largest investor in the region) in 2015. Similar projects operate in 24 countries.

- from 31.12.19 the issuance of new credits under the IQ energy program has been stopped. The reason is the approximation of the limits signed between the EBRD and partner banks.
- In 2020 we are working on verification of applications that are currently in progress and on the new loan applications by 31.12.19 (for Raiffeisen Bank Aval clients) and 22.11.19 (for Ukrsibbank clients).
- Thank you for your cooperation and for caring for the energy efficiency of housing, energy independence of our country, Ukraine, and reducing the emissions of harmful CO2 for the planet as a whole!
HMRSC congratulates you on winter holidays❗️
We wish you energy savings in 2020, as it will save your money and allow you to invest them in something more interesting than energy⚡️

Peace, harmony, goodness❗️
News from our IQ energy project:
All grants were fully paid to the clients, whose grant applications were approved in November 2019 :)
We are telling about the grant in the field of energy efficiency on the energy managers' meetings!
Volodymyr Shymkin, the President of the Housing and Municipal Reform Support Centre, continues to attend meetings of energy managers which are organized by the Association of Ukrainian Cities with the support of GIZ Ukraine❗️

On December 18, the first founding meeting of the network of energy managers of Dnipropetrovsk region was held, and today the same meeting is taking place in Ivano-Frankivsk region.

The Network of Energy Managers provides for the pooling of local government experts responsible for implementing energy efficiency and energy conservation measures.

Energy Managers are interested in the HMRSC project, as this mechanism enables communities to receive a grant of €5 000 to €10 000 to implement energy efficiency measures

"Deadline for submission of proposals is January 10, 2020," - Mr. Volodymyr emphasizes.

The questionnaire and download materials are available at the link:

Detailed information is here:
+38 044 290 91 90
Do you have friends from local governments?
Send them the opportunity to receive a grant of €5,000 to €10,000 to support the implementation of energy efficiency measures for public buildings in their cities!

The questionnaire and download materials are available at the link:

Detailed information is here:
+38 044 290 91 90
A grant of €5,000 - €10,000 for cities to improve the energy efficiency of public buildings
We invite cities of Ukraine to participate in a grant competition to support the implementation of energy efficiency measures for public buildings.

Grant funding of €5,000 to €10,000 in hryvnia equivalent is provided under a grant agreement concluded between Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the Housing and Municipal Reform Support Centre under the Energy Efficiency II project » to implement the Mechanism for Support of Energy Efficiency Measures for Public Buildings (Schools, Hospitals, Kindergartens, etc.).

The questionnaire and download materials are available at the link:

Answer your questions here:
+38 044 290 91 90

Welcome to our new site!
We are glad to welcome you on the new site of the International NGO "the Housing and Municipal Reform Support Centre"!

If you have any comments on improving usability of the site, please send them to us using the form with the contacts form at the bottom of the page.
+38 044 290 91 90
For correspondence - 01103, Kyiv, №10/10, p/o №43